A Startup Journey: Integrating with ELNs & LIMs

Simplify ELN & LIMs Integrations Using The Labtools.AI API

Faster Integrations With The Labtools API

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Jake Olsmond, a bootstrapped Startup Founder at Paragon 123, had just finished building his prototype AI tool for automating antibody designs. After meeting with potential clients who want to test his prototype, they asked if he could integrate with their electronic lab notebook (ELN) SciNote and save results in their laboratory information management system (LIMs) StarLIMs.

As a busy startup founder, Jake doesn’t have enough engineering resources to build all of the API integrations for the >300 different LIMs his potential customers use while he has to also manage sales, marketing, and prototyping. Even worse, most of these scientific software companies do not have publicly available documentation on how to build integrations, requiring strategic partnerships before they would share API documentation with his startup.

To solve the problem, Jake tried spending two weeks manually building the API integrations for the Scinote ELN and partway through Scinote made a simple change, breaking his integrations during the big demo!

To make things worse, another potential customer said they used a different ELN called Benchling and a different LIMs called USA LIMs, meaning Jake would have to build more integrations for every new customer!

Jake discovered Labtools.AI where he can seamlessly integrate with LIMs and ELNs using a single, unified API! Instead of building integrations for his clients, he could integrate once with Labtools and have access to all of the LIMs or ELNs available on the platform, saving tremendous time!

By using Labtools.AI, Jake can now easily onboard new clients and drastically reduce his costs of building API integrations! His new prototype is a huge success, and his business is booming thanks to using Labtools.AI

Are you trying to solve the same problem? Start using Labtools.AI today!

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